Thursday, February 9, 2012


students using iPad

I read Ms. Diane Krause's blog and found the information on formative assessment to be helpful in teaching students by staying on top of their learning by getting constant feedback. By doing formative assessment teachers can make sure their teaching styles are successful and adjust according to each students needs. By asking questions often, getting a thumbs up from students or putting them into groups their needs can be assessed often.

Hi Ms. Krause,

My name is Cyndi Ford. I am a student in Dr. Strange's class at the University of South Alabama. I have been assigned to your blog. I will be reading your blogs. I found your blog is very informative. I like the examples, such as,putting the students in groups, getting a thumbs up, to make sure that the students are learning the subject being taught. What are some other ways for teaching?

Thank you for your time,
Cyndi Ford

I read Diane Krause. blog on using technology to teach project based learning. By using the iPad 2 the students can "become" the animal that they are learning about in class. By using the animal they can create a presentation from the animal's point of view.

Good Morning Ms. Krause,

It's me again, and I think your blog really hits the spot on teaching our children with technology. The project based learning with the use of the iPad 2 opens up a whole new environment for learning.

Thanks, Cyndi Ford

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