Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
#1I left a comment for this assignment on this teacher's post Doug Pete
I read the quotes and found one of my favorites. There is also a wordle to go with it. To find my favorite click on this link to the blog post.
A mind is a fire to be kindled, not a vessel to be filled. ~ Plutarch
#2I left a comment for March 1, blog
Thank you for the long list of information, I am always glad to learn new things. You are right there is no privacy. I am with you that we have to role with this one.
Blogpost #5
Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?
After reading this post Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please? I thought this was me being negative about the internet because of the bad things they could learn and not thinking about all of the positive things that they could learn.
Dr. Scott McLeod J D PhD., is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Kentucky, and is also recognized as one of the nations academic experts on K-12 school technology leadership issues.
I have to say that I agree with Dr. McLeod's position on teaching our children to be technologically literate. I believe that children need to be supervised so that they will understand which web sites are okay and which ones are not okay. After reading his blog, I can say that I used to think that teaching children technology was dangerous because of statements from other people. I found myself saying some of these comments to my children.
My opinions have changed about technology after attending a couple of years of college. Now I have fun with my son teaching him to communicate with his best friend after we moved this year by email. I agree that children will have a better chance of getting a job and communicating with the world in their future if we teach them to be technologically literate now.
i School
After watching the video i School I am excited about the future of public education. I want to a part of the revolution started by these students Travis Allen's Zeitgeist Young Minds entry (mobile learning) i School InitiativeThis is one of the ways technology can be used to in the future to facilitate public education.I am especially fond of the idea of communication between the teacher and the parent. The financial advantages are a bonus too. This idea comes from a student that knows what will work from being on the inside and I for one think it is a great idea.
Eric Whitare's Virtual Choir
After listening to these people perform in Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir my interest in exploring the use of the internet has been spurred. This choir music is so beautiful. They sound like they have been rehearsing for months. It is hard to believe this is all done through the internet, it is beautiful and intense choir music. These people are an awesome display of the use of the internet.
After viewing the video Teaching in the 21st Century Students I believe that an educator's job will not be obsolete. My opinion of teaching is that the teacher has to show the students how to use technology in the classroom. Having the proper skills in teaching students how to integrate technology into the classroom will be a standard required for all teachers.
In order for students to learn and not just memorize facts they have to be engaged in learning. The teacher's job is to help the student to be able to solve problems in life, learn to be creative, and apply what they have learned in real life situations.
Reading Rockets
I have to say this is a great site Reading Rockets for everyone wanting to learn they have sites for math and science and too. I found the site for Discovery Education and clicked on students and then on help with math homework they have math for everyone up to trig. and calculus. Also, they have science brain blogging games and virtual investigations on this site.
After reviewing the information on the home page of Reading Rockets I found a helpful resource for teachers for starting with kindergarten that will enhance students comprehension.
Doing effective read-alouds includes information in teaching effective read-alouds using the abstract
method, and effective read-alouds practice. There are different methods listed with many of these research based techniques for reading aloud in small groups. I found the second and third read aloud information helpful for clarity and understanding of the story.
Also, I found a reading podcast site at Meet the Author listed under strategies for teaching reading.
Under this link I found one of my favorites Aesop's Fable The Wolf and the Fox. There is so much information for teachers and parents I am totally engulfed. There are resources for all age groups and such a vast amount of information that can be used everyday.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Blogpost #4
First graders create podcast is an eye opener for me. I like the way these teachers organized the students into groups to create the podcast reading along in the Magic Tree House Series, The Vacation under the Volcano. When the students get to record their voices being the characters in the book, they are creating the podcast and also learning to read at the sane time.
Listening comprehension Podcasting is an exciting way to learn English. I did not realize how many times you have to hear a new vocabulary word to learn it.You need to hear the word 70 times! Also, by using podcasting you can hear the sound of the letters that make up the word and the words that follow to help learn the new vocabulary word.
The benefits of podcasting in the classroom is some very good information on the use of podcasting in the classroom. Using podcast can help students that may be out sick do their work from home. The parents can get involved in their child's studies. The student can review the lecture and post their comments.
Since children love to be the center of attention, podcasting is perfect for elementary students whether they are learning math, science, or any subject. Using podcasting can hold student's interest in a subject that they do not really like. Using project based education allows for creativity and innovation in the classroom.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Blogpost #3

Peer Editing
After reading Paige Ellis Peer Editing I learned the proper way to do peer editing.Peer editing is working with someone your on age to help improve revise, and edit his or her writing. Edit means making suggestions, comments, and changes to writing. There are 3 steps:
1. Compliments - Making a compliment about their writing, such as, I like the details in your paragraphs.
2. Suggestions - Making a suggestion to use a compound sentence instead of so many sentences.
3. Corrections - Grammatical errors, for example, using there instead of their when writing about a person.
Peer editing can be done publicly or privately through Email. This was a refresher for me because it has been a long time since I have done peer editing.
Using Technology in Special Education
After watching the video Education for special needs opens up a whole new world for these students. Some of needs may be non verbal, physical, or cognitive limitations. One of the students was able to enjoy reading by using an iPod touch. Another student used his mouse to touch the letters to complete a cross word puzzle. Non verbal students used the computer to speak for them.
As I watched the students in the class participate I could see that technology made them feel more comfortable in being part of the group. Learning seemed to be enjoyable for them as I watched them smile. Using technology will help these students to become a part of our future workforce.
Apps for Autism
After reviewing the iPad apps, I would choose the Blackboard sight word game HD app. It has 5 game settings, sound effects, voice, speech, so it would be great for students with autism. It is a free app. I would incorporate it in the regular class with all the students. Most students could benefit from this app. It reminds me of that old phonics game.
If the children can learn to spell the sight words that are needed by the 3rd grade, they will be on the way to reading faster. This will help boast their confidence, and make them want to read more books in the future.
Social Media
After watching Social Media Counter I feel a strong urge to get into high gear with the social networks. These figures are astounding to say the least. Because I am choosing a professional career in education, the need to be active in the social network is imperative for me.
Also,being a part of students lives and being able to communicate effectively with them and their other teachers will be a challenge. Just being able to speak the language of the social media can be confusing for me sometimes. After reviewing the counter I am totally motivated to start using the social networks.
A vision for Students today
After watching the video A vision for Students today I am enlightened as to what is really on the minds of students. This video is a cry for change. Some teachers are still teaching in the 19th century. If technology is not used in the process of students educational years, how will they survive in the world when they get out of school. Technology has to be incorporated into the early learning years, so teachers should technologically literate.
Without change in the methods of educating students they will be lost early on and may not be able to catch up in their future. Also student drop out rates will sky rocket because the students will be so bored.
I read Ms. Diane Krause's blog and found the information on formative assessment to be helpful in teaching students by staying on top of their learning by getting constant feedback. By doing formative assessment teachers can make sure their teaching styles are successful and adjust according to each students needs. By asking questions often, getting a thumbs up from students or putting them into groups their needs can be assessed often.
Hi Ms. Krause,
My name is Cyndi Ford. I am a student in Dr. Strange's class at the University of South Alabama. I have been assigned to your blog. I will be reading your blogs. I found your blog is very informative. I like the examples, such as,putting the students in groups, getting a thumbs up, to make sure that the students are learning the subject being taught. What are some other ways for teaching?
Thank you for your time,
Cyndi Ford
I read Diane Krause. blog on using technology to teach project based learning. By using the iPad 2 the students can "become" the animal that they are learning about in class. By using the animal they can create a presentation from the animal's point of view.
Good Morning Ms. Krause,
It's me again, and I think your blog really hits the spot on teaching our children with technology. The project based learning with the use of the iPad 2 opens up a whole new environment for learning.
Thanks, Cyndi Ford
Thursday, February 2, 2012
blog post #2
After watching Did You Know my eyes are more open to making sure I speak proper English. People from India and China speak better English than most Americans. I speak slang everyday with people. As a future Educator, I want to be sure I will not translate this slang to my to my students.
I am looking forward to the next generation of teaching. I feel passionate about being technologically literate so that I will be able to communicate with the rest of the world. This video was truly an eye opener as to how many people there are in other countries that speak English. This tells me I must make my best efforts to speak proper English.
Mr. Winkle Wakes
After Watching the Video Mr. Winkle Wakes my question is "How will people communicate in the future if they are not technologically literate?" Poor Mr. Winkle could not receive treatment at the hospital because he did not understand how the hospital was set up.
He did not know how to communicate with the rest of the world.If students are being taught like the video with the computer collecting dust in the back of the room, they will not be capable of communicating with the rest of the world in their future.
The Importance of Creativity
After watching the video Schools kill creativity I have to say I agree with his comment that we as a society do not place enough emphasis on children's creativity.He talked about how each child is unique and we must help them to develop their special talents.
Children are always more interested in playing a game than listening to a lecture. When I was in elementary school when we drew a picture of what we wrote about it was always easier to think of something to write about. The ideas of our children are going to lead us into the future. We must place value on what each child has to offer in the classroom, whether in math, science, art, or dance. This video really enlightened me into thinking in the direction of accepting what the children are good at doing.
A Vision for the 21st Century
After watching the video A Vision for the 21st Century I was totally blown away by this idea.
The video is sending a message that we need to change the way we educate students in the classroom. I agree that lecturing to students and making them read out of books are ways that need to change. I am not sure if this idea of a 3-D video game is the answer, but maybe it could be a good place to start.
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