Sunday, March 25, 2012

Blogpost #8

This is how we Dream

This presentation by Richard E. Miller of Rutgers University is part 1This is how we dream This video is a "WOW" video that needs to viewed by all educators. This video is about teaching students to produce multimedia and not just to consume it.

He said "we are living at the moment of the greatest change in human communication in human history." He discussed incremental and fundamental changes and how they are taking place in technology.

An incremental change is where we search the web and collaborate and compose with images, sound, and print documents and weave into a coherent document. A fundamental change is when we are working in the digital environment where information is updated instantly.

I believe what he is talking about that "these ideas do not belong to us individually, but they do belong as a culture" to be a different way of communicating with the world. He said that we "must be in the business of sharing our ideas freely.

After watching part 2 I see where this is leading with technology to watch this video This is how we Dream part 2 This is phenomenal to me as a future educator to be a part of these changes taking place. Using aggregated bots to see "Where's the happiest city right now." My desire is teach reading and writing with a passion in the early years, so the students will have the best foundation possible. By using graphic images the students response will be more creative in their writing. Also, since they will be able to create their own graphics they will also more attentive in the classroom.

Carly's Post

First, I appreciate Carly's Post because she is so inspiring and creative. Her writing style is so lively and vivacious. I agree with her that we "should be thinking about our philosophies as teachers." Second, the playlist she posted does cause one to think about their life and what they are doing with it. Last, by using multi-media Carly has included many topics that will be important when teaching students in the future, such as, inclusion, disability means possibility, daily activities, and this is what our students deserve. By using these topics and others in her assignment she created I think Carly comes very close to Dr. Miller's hopes for writing with multi-media.

Video Ideas

My idea of a video would be to use the advantages of taking EDM310 and incorporate satire within a classroom setting. For example, the students would know how to blog, use podcasting, and smart board, but the teacher wouldn't have any idea how to use these. This would be motivating for some of the students I have heard complain of having to be in this class.

In the video The Chipper Series I found the primary message to be that Chipper didn't care about her education and her future. She was more concerned with her social life and finding excuses not to do the work required to finish her education. After striking out with real life jobs she decides to buckle down with her education and go back to school.

In the video EDM310 for Dummies I found the primary message to be clear that these students were frustrated with their lack of knowledge of technology. The video is comical, but gets the point across. This class does seem overwhelming to start with, however, so are a lot of other things in life.

Learn to change, Change to learn

After watching the video Learn to Change, Change to Learn I ask myself this question, How would I change the old system of teaching to the new system of teaching by incorporating technology in the classroom? This video is very informative for educators and future educators. The point was made if the old way of just learning facts and focusing on memorization of history is not going to prepare these students for the work force.
So many jobs today depend on teamwork, networking, and communicating across the world, moreover, the potential employee must be technology literate to fill out a job application online.

I can see the point made that we can't just hand the students a lap top without thinking about the dangers of the internet. So, the teacher facilitates learning by being a filter and engaging in the education of the student. To do this, the teacher will be active in helping the students set up their blogs, and check them daily. The teacher can do book trailers, podcast, and teach the students to use different tools to communicate. The students are already using most social sites outside of school, so this will not be new to most of them. By teaching students to collaborate with each other, they will be better prepared for teamwork in their future.

Scavenger Hunt

On this website Web2.0 for the scavenger hunt I found these 3 items:

The tool responsible for making this video is Prezi I checked on the pricing for teachers and it is my favorite price $0.

The social site I found Edmodo This site is similar to Facebook and Twitter. This is a site that is used by teachers to communicate with their students. The students can get their assignments. The teacher can post the assignments,give quizzes and post grades. Also, the teacher can communicate with other teachers.

This is one of the items I found that I have never used before Picsviewr With this tool you can turn your photos into visual presentations. Picsviewr allows you to share your photo sets or browse your friends ones. Your photos can be set on a natural wall, stacked, postcard, and many others to choose from.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Cyndi,

    I was a little confused by this paragraph:
    "My idea of a video would be to use the advantages of taking EDM310 and incorporate satire within a classroom setting. For example, the students would know how to blog, use podcasting, and smart board, but the teacher wouldn't have any idea how to use these. This would be motivating for some of the students I have heard complain of having to be in this class."
    But I think I determined that you meant to say that making a video showing how embarrassing it would be as a teacher to be outshone with technology by your own students as a form of warning to students in EDM310 to pay attention to what they are being asked to do in this class. I think.

    Anyway, your post is a little repetitive and boring. We want y'all to try to reach out into what you know and are learning about being an educator and apply it to this class and your assignments. Right now, your "thoughts" are simply the same repetition of the same old same old. You also used a lot of quotes.
